Subject Verb Agreement Concord Class 10

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of the English language and is a significant aspect of concord in grammar. Class 10 students need to master the rules of subject-verb agreement to communicate effectively in their writing and speech.

In simple terms, subject-verb agreement means that the subject and the verb in a sentence should match in number. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular as well. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural too. This matching principle helps in constructing grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.

For example, « The boy runs » is correct, while « The boy run » is incorrect, as the subject `boy` is singular, and the verb `run,` in this case, should be singular as well. Similarly, « The boys run » is correct, while « The boys runs » is incorrect, as the subject `boys` is plural, and the verb `run,` in this case, should be plural too.

Students can remember this rule by keeping in mind some basic principles. For example, while using singular subjects like `boy, dog, cat, or car,` always use singular verbs like `runs, barks, meows, or drives, respectively.` Conversely, while using plural subjects like `boys, dogs, cats, or cars,` always use plural verbs like `run, bark, meow, or drive.`

Sometimes, it can get tricky, especially when dealing with collective nouns like `team, group, or committee,` that can be singular or plural, depending on the context. For example, « The team is playing well » is correct, while « The team are playing well » is incorrect. On the other hand, « The committee has made its decision » is correct, while « The committee have made their decision » is incorrect.

In conclusion, mastering subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of concord that class 10 students should focus on. Knowing the rules and practicing them consistently can help them construct grammatically correct and meaningful sentences, which is essential for effective communication.

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